Blue Waters Community Trust

The Blue Waters Community Trust was set up primarily to support amateur Lawn Bowls in the Auckland Bowls Inc. district.

Blue Waters Community Trust generates funds for its Authorised Purpose by operating gaming machines in the greater Auckland region.

Contact details for the Blue Waters Community Trust are:

Mail:     PO Box 74 077, Greenlane, Auckland 1546 
Phone:  09 623 3555
Fax:      09 623 3552


Blue Waters Community Trust could not operate without the generous support of the venue operators who have chosen to sign with the Trust.  Please support those who support us.  The venues we operate gaming machines in are

  • Trident Tavern - Onehunga

for ONLINE GRANT APPLICATIONS, please use the link below

Blue Waters Community Trust

Or to download an application form click here.

Applying for a Grant

Applying for a grant is easy, but you need to ensure that;

  1. The application fits within the Authorised Purpose of Blue Waters Community Trust (see below).  
    The ‘Authorised Purpose’ is the definition of what the Trust is licensed to make grants to.
  2. The applicant is a non-profit body.
  3. The grant is to be applied to specific and future purposes; no retrospective grants can be made.
  4. The application is made on the correct form, and is complete.

If your application does not fit within the Authorised Purpose or is incomplete then the Trust will have to return your grant application to you.

Authorised Purpose

The Authorised Purpose of Blue Waters Community Trust is;

  • Foster, encourage and safeguard the game of amateur Bowls and other amateur sports in New Zealand thought the promotion of Health through sport and recreational activity.
  • Acquire by purchase, lease, hire or otherwise any real property or rights or privileges which may be considered necessary or expedient for attaining the objects of the Trust.
  • Lay down, prepare and maintain bowling greens and other playing areas, and build or otherwise provide pavilions, clubhouse, sheds, workshops, shelters and other buildings and conveniences in connection therewith, and equip, furnish, alter, enlarge, improve, repair, uphold and maintain the same respectively for the benefit of the community.
  • Promote, foster and encourage the New Zealand Bowling Umpires’ Association and the District Umpires’ Association and the Coaches Association in their educational work and advancement of bowls as a recreational activity.
  • Promote, foster and encourage the greenkeepers’ Association, Blind Bowlers Association and any other amateur body or Association related to the game of Lawn Bowls.
  • Foster, support and encourage any amateur game or sport where the game or sport is conducted for the benefit of the general public and the promotion of health or education.
  • Provide financial assistance for the provision of amateur sporting and other recreational facilities for the use of the general public for the promotion of health or education.
  • Provide financial assistance for the provision Educational Programmes, training facilities, equipment or amenities for the promotion of health or education; and
  • Benefit Educational, cultural, health, environmental, recreational or philanthropic activities that are for Charitable Purposes.
    The objects of the Blue Waters Community Trust are to distribute funds to its discretionary beneficiaries on the basis that such distributions support and promote the interest of its discretionary beneficiaries. “Discretionary Beneficiaries” means Auckland Bowls Incorporated together with its successors and assigns and any person or organization undertaking charitable, philanthropic, cultural, educational or any other purpose that is beneficial to the community or any section or amateur organization within it.

Grant Distribution Policy

The Trustees consider the priority of grants applications based on its grant distribution policy.  This list of criteria, methods, systems and polices is reviewed annually.  The policy can be found here


The Trustees of Blue Waters Community Trust are

  • John Slater – Chairman
  • Allan Smith
  • Murray Stuart Lander
  • Ben Marris

Learn about the Trustees

The Trustees usually meet on the last week of each month (except December) to consider grant applications. 

The closing date for all grant applications is the 10th of each month so as to be prepared and presented to the Trustees for consideration in that months funding round.

Any applications received after that date will be held over until the next months funding round.

The amount generally available for grants is $30,000 per month.

Financial Information

Grants by Blue Waters Community Trust are donations as an unconditional gift.  No portion is claimed by The Trust as a deduction for GST.  If a grant applicant is GST registered, only the GST exclusive amount can be funded.

BWCT Financial Statement Year Ended 2024

Previous Grants

Please click on the links below to see a list of previous approved and declined grants.

BWCT Grants May 2023 - April 2024

A history of all the grants can be found here.


Members of the public wishing to make a complaint about the distribution of proceeds should make their first approach in writing. Verbal complaints will not be accepted if they are not followed up in writing. The complainant needs to state in writing all relevant and necessary information for the complaint.

Complaints should be addressed to The Chairman, at the contact address above.

The Society will respond to the complaint within 20 working days. If complainants are unsatisfied with the result of our investigations they may contact the Depart ment of Internal Affairs. 

Any complaints about the conduct of gambling at a venue or the conduct of Society (the holder of the Class 4 Operators Licence) may be addressed to the Chairman at the contact detail above.

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